Saturday 15 January 2011

The Beginning of an Afterthought

To Whom It May Concern!

This blog "In Pursuit of Sustainable Happiness" is a product of an afterthought, network of dreams and interaction with friends and foes alike.  It is my hope that this concept which i have come to understand stimulates discussions between our pursuit of happiness and sustainability and that you also get a great glimpse into my life, thoughts, reflections, hopes and aspirations as it were. 
Thank you for stopping by.

Happy Reading!

It was Sharon Salzberg that said "Being truly happy in this world is a revolutionary act". Understanding happiness in the context of our daily life patterns and how we build our future therefore, is indeed revolutionary. Let me add by saying life is an adventure to be lived not a problem to be solved- You might have your reservations but i can assure you of a change of thought as we progress on this blog so sit back, relax and keep an open mind.

“How to gain, how to keep, how to recover happiness is in fact for most men at all times the secret motive of all they do, and of all they are willing to endure.” – William James.

I wondered when i first came across the above quote. My thoughts gave birth to series of dreams which were a reflection of my worries. These worry’s being the definition of actions at some stages of my life. Actions that I feel sorry for up until this day but then I have admitted to solace strongly believing that in the web of intrigues, as we mature, we learn.

as we progress, i'll bring that which i have learnt to the fore with stories and illustrations, in philosophy and in inspirational quotes hoping that you would learn too after-all this blog is all about making our world a better place to live in.

Cheers Folks! tomorrow is another day.
Silverknight dca.

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